SleepyHollow Wiki

Alexander Ward is an actor specializing in monster and creature work. He has played various creatures throughout Sleepy Hollow.


Alexander Ward graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in 2012. While attending the school, apart from the study of acting, he found a deep love for playing monsters. Since then he has got the chance to work with some wonderful performers on amazing projects such as American Horror Story, Sleepy Hollow and Pandemic. Outside Sleepy Hollow, he was also known for portraying the characters like the Addiction Demon in American Horror Story: Hotel. He is currently a cast member of the Webseries L.A. by Night


Season Three
"I, Witness" "Whispers in the Dark" "Blood and Fear" "The Sisters Mills" "Dead Men Tell No Tales"
"This Red Lady from Caribee" "The Art of War" "Novus Ordo Seclorum" "One Life" "Incident At Stone Manor"
"Kindred Spirits" "Sins of the Father" "Dark Mirror" "Into the Wild" "Incommunicado"
"Dawn's Early Light" "Delaware" "Ragnarok"
Season Four
"Columbia" "In Plain Sight" "Heads of State" "The People vs. Ichabod Crane" "Blood from a Stone"
"Homecoming" "Loco Parentis" "Sick Burn" "Child's Play" "Insatiable"
"The Way of the Gun" "Tomorrow" "Freedom"

