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SleepyHollow Wiki

Alfred Knapp was the reverend serving in The Dutch Church and a resident in Sleepy Hollow.


Early on revealed to be a warlock, he worked alongside Katrina in her coven. When the Horseman of Death butchered several members of the Colonial army, Benjamin Franklin found Katrina Crane, Alfred Knapp and other members of Sisterhood of the Radiant Heart. They planned to create the Kindred, but failed to awaken it for the lack of a part of Death.[1] When Ichabod Crane was then killed on the battlefield by the Headless Horseman, he assisted in the casting of a resurrection spell.[2] He then assisted Abigail Adams in subduing murderous painter, James Colby, and imprisoned him in his last unfinished self portrait in 1782.[3]

It was also revealed that not only is he much older than two hundred years old, but he was present at the resurrection of George Washington and guarding the secret of where Washington and his map were buried.[4]


Sitting in a diner during the Pilot, the Reverend listened in on conversation that Abbie and Corbin were having, and would later be startled by the appearance of Ichabod Crane. Later that night, he is confronted by the Headless Horseman, who was coming for his head. After a failed attempt to defend himself, he is decapitated after denying the Horseman his head one final time, stating that he was ready to die.[2]

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Witchcraft: He has proved himself to be a powerful warlock. He, along with other witches, banded together to use magic in order to preserve Ichabod Crane's body in order for him to be resurrected. Also, he's used incantations that can manipulate his surroundings to his will; using chains to restrain the Headless Horseman.[2]
    • Longevity: Knapp is much older than he appears, being as he was alive during the late 1700s.
    • Preservation magic: As shown at the Pilot, he, along with Katrina, preserved Ichabod's body.
    • Telekinesis: He was able to manipulate the chains near the church in a futile attempt at restraining the Horseman of Death
    • Necromancy: With the use of his Cursed Prayer Beads, Knapp was temporarily able to bring back George Washington.[4]




Season One
"Pilot" "Blood Moon" "For the Triumph of Evil..." "The Lesser Key of Solomon" "John Doe"
"The Sin Eater" "The Midnight Ride" "Necromancer" "Sanctuary" "The Golem"
"The Vessel" "The Indispensable Man" "Bad Blood"
Season Two
"This Is War" "The Kindred" "Root of All Evil" "Go Where I Send Thee..." "The Weeping Lady"
"And the Abyss Gazes Back" "Deliverance" "Heartless" "Mama" "Magnum Opus"
"The Akeda" "Paradise Lost" "Pittura Infamante" "Kali Yuga" "Spellcaster"
"What Lies Beneath" "Awakening" "Tempus Fugit"

