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"I can never forgive you, Father, never let the coal that burns die down. But freedom... freedom is a cause that I would sacrifice all for. So, for now, for today, even in War, there can be a truce."
Jeremy Crane to Ichabod Crane

"Freedom" is the thirteenth episode of Season Four of Fox's Sleepy Hollow. It was written by M. Raven Metzner and directed by Russell Fine. It is the sixty-second and final episode of the series and debuted on March 31, 2017.


Dreyfuss finally garners enough power to infiltrate the White House, and his group of minions grow strong enough to take action.[1]


Crane rides to a field where Malcolm, Jenny, and Henry are waiting. Jenny opens a case holding a pair of dueling pistols, and Henry says that he demands satisfaction. He and Crane both take guns, walk ten paces away, turn, and hesitate. Henry says that their struggle ends that day, and vows to be free of his father, and fires. Crane collapses, mortally wounded, but manages to say that he will free Henry of the world, and shoots him. Both collapse as Jenny runs to Crane.

Crane and Jenny then emerge from their mystical vision, and they realize that Henry has retaken the mantle of War. Jenny says that Alex has been working on a way to run surveillance on Malcolm.

At the Vault, Lara tells Diana that in the now defunct future, Malcolm sent her and Jobe to clear the Vault of artifacts. She then asks to meet Molly when it's over so she can tell her that she won't have to live the life that she did. Diana agrees, and then realizes that Lara can't go back, there is nothing of the life she lived to go back to. Lara says that it was worth the sacrifice to give her younger self a real life.

Jake finds a reference saying the Horsemen are more powerful together than apart. He then asks Alex if they are okay, and Alex assures him that they are. Before Jake can follow up on that, the others enter and Alex says that she has an area POV from a half-mile up. Jenny hacks the satellite, and they realize that Camp David is ten miles away from Malcolm's compound. They don't think that they can't warn the President without sounding crazy. Then they spot the Horsemen leaving the compound.

The Horsemen ride through the forest. The soldiers on guard spot them and open fire, but the bullets have no effect. The Horseman easily cut them down, and then start cutting through the metal door of the bunker. The Headless Horseman enter, ignoring the Secret Service agents' bullets, and blasts them down with a swing of his axe. Malcolm and Jobe enter, and soon send out a transmission saying that the President is his prisoner.

At the Vault, Diana reports that the first strike will happen in six hours. Crane says that they need to kill Malcolm to destroy the Horsemen - even though Malcolm is immortal currently. The team goes through the books trying to find something that will kill Malcolm. Lara says that she spent time with Jobe in the future, and thinks that he will help if she tells him he has more to lose than he can imagine. Crane, Diana, and Lara go to the tunnels and Lara uses her last crystal to summon Jobe. Jobe says that he will come to kill them, but Lara tells him that Malcolm is growing bored with his minion, and points out that a prince of pain deserves much more. Crane asks him to direct them to something that can kill Malcolm. The demon tells the Witnesses to go to Hell, and promises that his master will show them the torment they deserve, and then he disappears. Crane realizes that Jobe gave them a directive, and they talk with the others about it. They plan to find a way to hold the Horsemen off, while Crane and Lara go to cast the gateway ritual. The Witnesses cast the ritual and appear in Hell. To Crane it appears as Valley Forge in mid-winter. To Lara it looks like the orphanage where she grew up. Crane realizes that Hell shapes itself to their personal perceptions, and sympathizes with Lara. He tells Lara that he has found comfort in Diana and Molly, and says to remember that he has never abandoned her, and never will. They come to a door with the traditional warning, and go through.

Jake tells the others that he's found nothing. Alex checks the shelf that the histories sit on, and one of them conceals a switch. A secret chamber opens, revealing a hidden volume dated 1789. Benjamin Banneker and George Washington met in Sleepy Hollow at a decommissioned armory and Banneker redesigned and improved it.

As Banneker and Washington oversee the redesign of the armory into an archive, the general asks Banneker if he has considered the list of candidates that he sent. The architect admits that the legacy they are creating is helping him to remember how they used Crane, and asks the general to consider the motto "E Pluribus Unum." A later entry suggests that all of the archive's greatest treasures were to go where the agency went. Jake realizes that the weapons that the four original agents kept, may be the weapons designed to fight the Horsemen.

Crane and Lara descend down a near-endless spiral staircase and come to a vast lobby. Satan greets them, and says that he has a contract with Malcolm. Crane informs him that they need a way to kill Malcolm, and Satan points out that the apocalypse will bring down more souls for him to torment. He insists that he has to abide by his contract and that he has grown bored with the conversation. Crane asks if they can strike a deal. Satan stares at him for a moment and then laughs.

Jake says that Alex found writing in invisible ink. It is a floor plan of the Vault with surveyor's marks revealing a hidden compartment. Diana takes a sledge hammer and breaks through; inside is a metal locker containing the four weapons. As Crane and Lara enter, he shows them the Philosopher's Stone that Satan gave to them. If he gets close enough to Malcolm, then he can use the Stone to undo Malcolm's immortality long enough to kill him. When the team wonders if the weapons will work, Crane says proudly that they have restored the Agency to its former glory. He asks them to trust him and each other, and if Benjamin Banneker designed the weapons then they will work, and the team shall prevail.

At Camp David, Malcolm watches the helicopters flying over head and praises Henry as his most powerful warrior. Henry says that Crane is coming, and explains that his father was able to defeat him. Malcolm tells him that he is no longer alone, and should trust in him. Henry laughs and says that they shall victory or a grave. The team approach Camp David through the woods and Lara goes on ahead. Jake and Alex go one way, and Crane, Jenny, and Diana the other. Alex worries that the weapons won't work, and Jake assures her that if they lose, then they'll go out strong. She says that she has realized she has been working with the one person she can't live without, and kisses Jake. Lara returns and says that the Horsemen are approaching.

When the team reunites, Crane tells the others to hold the Horsemen at bay while he and Diana take Malcolm down. Diana tells Lara that she has a chance because of her and asks her to be careful. Crane and Diane move to the main house, and War confronts them. The three remaining Horsemen approach the rest of the team. The team opens fire but the weapons don't work. Crane orders War to stop, and says that they've been there before. As the Horsemen approach, the weapons glow and the team opens fire. This time the weapons work. Crane begs Henry to stop, and War hesitates. It reverts to Henry, who tells his father to say his piece before he dies. Crane grabs the chance and says that they both value freedom above all else. Henry tells him that his sole purpose is destruction and conflict, but Crane argues that his anger is not worth searing servitude to a tyrant. Henry considers, and tells Crane that he can never forgive him, but admits that he would sacrifice all for freedom. He tells his father that they have a truce, and walks away. Crane and Diana continue on. Lara and Alex engage Famine and Pestilence with their weapons.

Malcolm asks Jobe where his Horsemen are, and Jobe says that Crane's team has fought them to a standstill. Crane and Diana enter, Crane asks why Malcolm is squandering his intellect on a mad quest for power. Malcolm smashes a painting and picks up a piece of glass, and tells Jobe to bring him the President so he can kill her. The Stone glows and Malcolm realizes that he's mortal again. His wound opens and Malcolm complains that his blood has ruined his victory shirt. He asks Jobe why he's not healing, and Crane says that he had not given them a choice. Malcolm begs Jobe for his help, and Jobe tells him that his contract with Satan has come to an end. He grabs Malcolm by the throat and they both disappear in a burst of hellfire. The Horsemen suddenly disappear and the team come to the stunned realization that they've won.

Diana frees the President and identify themselves as Agency 355 operatives. When the others arrive, the President admits that she can't tell the world what happened. She figures that best course of action is for them to continue doing what they're doing, but to report directly to her. Agency 355 will get better funding and resources, and Diana suggests that the President transfer her from Homeland Security to the Vault, and formalize the standing of Crane and Jenny. Crane points out that he's legally not a U.S. citizen, and the instantly President swears him in.

Later, Crane is at his apartment registering to vote, when Lara arrives so they can go to meet with Molly. Lara worries that meeting her younger self might cause a temporal rift, but Crane suggests that she is stalling. She thinks that Molly deserves a future that is free and clear now that she is no longer the Witness. Lara says that she's going walkabout to figure what she will do in the present, and they hug. She assures Crane that they will see each other again.

At Diana's house, Crane tells Diana and Molly about Lara's decision. He says that Molly is free to fight evil or not, and assures her that she bore the Witness mantle with bravery. Diana doesn't have to fight evil any more, but she figures that they're a family, and she's found her calling. Jenny calls to summon them to fight a siren, so Crane and Diana take off. As they approach the Potomac, Diana asks Crane how he got the Stone from Satan. Crane shows her a brand on his wrist, and admits that he offered his soul on the moment of his death. He casually dismisses it, explaining that he will fix it, and Diana says that they will fix it. Smiling, Crane smiles and says says that he has no doubt. The giant creature emerges from the water briefly, and Crane says it's no siren, it's a kraken. Diana isn't convinced and they go to work.



Guest Starring[]


  • Charmin Lee as Madam President
  • Chris Coakley as Samuel Nelson
  • Cedric Greenway as Marine Guard
  • Anthony S. Goolsby as Cable Guy
  • Joshua Loren as Presidential Aide





  • Due to the low ratings, Fox cancelled the show, making this the last episode of the series.
  • Before the Witnesses went to Hell, Crane used a quote from Dante's Divine Comedy.
  • Crane is still in possession of the original Letter of Marque and Reprisal, issued by G. Washington in 1789, appointing him the Commanding Officer of Agency 355. The letter first appears in Ragnarok, then again in Sick Burn.

