SleepyHollow Wiki

Greek Fire is an chemical compound that cannot be extinguished until everything in it's path is destroyed.



Production Notes[]

  • Its is described as a blue flame of unknown Greek origin but it can hurt powerful beings like Headless Horseman which is embodiment of Death it self and can destroy undead Red Coats.
  • Its is speculated that the Greek Gods former dead masters of Pandora may have created this Greek Fire the same way as the Vulcanus Roman God created Eternal Fire.


Season Three
"I, Witness" "Whispers in the Dark" "Blood and Fear" "The Sisters Mills" "Dead Men Tell No Tales"
"This Red Lady from Caribee" "The Art of War" "Novus Ordo Seclorum" "One Life" "Incident At Stone Manor"
"Kindred Spirits" "Sins of the Father" "Dark Mirror" "Into the Wild" "Incommunicado"
"Dawn's Early Light" "Delaware" "Ragnarok"
Season Four
"Columbia" "In Plain Sight" "Heads of State" "The People vs. Ichabod Crane" "Blood from a Stone"
"Homecoming" "Loco Parentis" "Sick Burn" "Child's Play" "Insatiable"
"The Way of the Gun" "Tomorrow" "Freedom"

