SleepyHollow Wiki
SleepyHollow Wiki

The Hellfire Club's symbol

The Hellfire Club was a group of men in the 18th century that were in the occult. They had a long history of experimentation on human subjects. Their symbol was a goat's head with a rod jutting from the head.

They were in the custody of the Stone Tablet that had the Aurora Prism hidden inside and other items such as the gehenna key.


The club was first formed in London, England in 1718 at 589 Walden Street. Among their experiments, they studied the method of bringing demons into existence by impregnating human women with jincan venom.

During the Revolutionary War, they sided with the British. Benjamin Franklin infiltrated the Hellfire Club as a spy and obtained the gehenna key, which he then tried in vain to destroy.

Present Day[]

They had a base in a warehouse on Spangler road in Sleepy Hollow.

After Katrina Crane was infected with jincan venom by War, turning her into a vessel to bring Moloch into the world, War hired them. The Hellfire Club were to bring Katrina to their base to ensure the birth of Moloch went according to plan, but Katrina escaped with the help of Death. Two members of the Hellfire Club tracked her to a hospital but she evaded them again with the help of the Witnesses. Abigail Mills followed the members back to their base to gather information without their knowledge. Several Hellfire Club members then went to the Archives but a hex set by Katrina alerted her and the Witnesses of their arrival, allowing them to escape into the tunnels. Hellfire Club members pursued them into the tunnels but lost them again.

Abbie Mills told Sheriff Reyes about them so they could have a tactical team to raid their base. While Sheriff Reyes and the police engaged the Hellfire Club, Abbie and Ichabod stole the Stone Tablet. They used the number "666" as a password for the box it was locked in, which led to Ichabod accusing them of having no imagination. Many club members will killed in the ensuing shootout. It is unknown if they were all killed or if some escaped or were arrested, leaving their current status unknown.
