- "You needed faith, my dear Ichabod, and I gave it to you, both of you...The belief that all will end well if we just cling onto it with all our might. And it is what blinds us to what's right in front of us all along."
- —Jeremy Crane[src]
Jeremy Crane is a main character, he is the son of Ichabod Crane and Katrina Crane.
Jeremy was born eight months after his father battled the Horseman of Death, Abraham Van Brunt; during the Revolutionary War. He eventually became the second of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, known as War, while hiding under the guise of being a Sin Eater, named Henry Parish.
Early Life[]
Named after Ichabod Crane's grandfather, Jeremy was born at Frederick's Manor in 1782. Jeremy was born to Katrina Crane, after his father had fallen on the battlefield, ignorant that he ever had a son. Katrina did not learn she was pregnant until after her husband's entombment, she was then pursued by Moloch's servants and her own coven, the Sisterhood of the Radiant Heart. Katrina sought sanctuary at Frederick's Manor, which was guarded by powerful hexes; there, she gave birth to her child. Moloch, however, sent a minion to breech the wards, and the protections failed, faced with no alternative, Katrina gave her newborn son to George and Grace Dixon, to raise in hopes of protecting him from the powers pursuing her.

Jeremy Crane as a child
Jeremy inherited his mother's powers, however, and was never trained in their use, while still an infant, his cries set the building afire and killed the Dixons. He was then sent to an orphanage for war orphans, run by a cruel priest who abused Jeremy, desiring to beat the evil out of the boy. During a beating, Jeremy accidentally turned a doll his mother had left for him into a golem that then killed the priest. Afterwards, the two traveled together, the Golem serving as Jeremy's protector.

Jeremy as a teenager
The Four Who Speak As One saw how powerful Jeremy was and tried to convince him to join the Sisterhood of the Radiant Heart. After Jeremy refused them twice, the coven deemed that Jeremy was too powerful and sent the Golem to Purgatory and buried Jeremy in a pine box after casting a Death Hex to stop his heart, but the magic in his blood kept him alive. For over 200 years, he grew weak in his coffin, only able to survive off the roots that grew through the cracks. All the while crying out to God and his parents, who he felt abandoned him to eternal suffering. [1]
He was trapped in his grave for over two centuries before Moloch released him and made him War, one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. While he was being raised out of the earth by the Four White Trees, two little girls, Abbie and Jenny Mills, witnessed the event but their memories were suppressed after they were sent to Purgatory for three days. After Jeremy's resurrection, he stumbled across the Church of St. Henry's Parish where his mother last saw him and entrusted him to Grace Dixon. From the sign outside, he took for himself a name; Henry Parish - and used the name as his alias in the mortal world. [2] He then prepared for the awakening of Ichabod Crane, which wouldn't occur for almost two decades. In the meantime, he survived by being a Sin Eater.
Using his powers as a Sin Eater, Jeremy - now called Henry - traveled the world visiting death row inmates before execution and sanctified them by stripping them of their sins. He often hid his identity by using the names of dead inmates he visited. He used the name of his most recently visited inmate, Ian Keller, to rent an apartment in Hartford, Connecticut.
After Ichabod Crane was revived, Henry contacted Katrina in Purgatory, convincing her that a Sin Eater could break the connection between Crane and the Headless Horseman. Katrina, in turn, contacted Abbie who, with Jenny's help, managed to track down Henry Parish in Connecticut. When the Mills sisters visited him, he pretended to be unwilling before arriving at the Freemasons' safe house to free Ichabod from his link with the Horseman. [3]
Crane, ignorant of Henry's real identity, or even the fact that he ever had a son, contacted Henry again, asking him to use his powers to let him visit Purgatory to speak to Katrina. Henry complied, and sent his father to Purgatory, but Crane accidentally brought back the Golem, who continued to perform its duties to Jeremy by hunting down and killing the remaining members of the Sisterhood of the Radiant Heart. Crane managed to track down the four heads of the Sisterhood, The Four Who Speak As One, who informed him of what they had done before the Golem killed them. The Four Who Speak As One also told him the Golem could only be killed by Jeremy's blood. Henry then told him, as Jeremy's father, it was his blood flowing through his son's veins and thus he could stop the Golem. [1]
Crane once again asked for Henry's aid to help them discover George Washington's Map to Purgatory. Taking Alfred Knapp's prayer beads, Henry read the priest's sins, although it caused him great pain, as they had been protected to stop Moloch, and with them, helped Ichabod and Abbie find Washington's grave on Bannerman's Island, where Washington hid the map to gain access to Purgatory. When a demonized Andy Brooks tried to kill Abbie to get the map, Henry used his powers to reawaken Andy's soul temporarily. [4]
In Bad Blood, Henry helped Crane and Abbie gain access to Purgatory to save Katrina, as she was necessary to cast the spell to stop War from rising. He warned them of Purgatory's tricks and encouraged them to remember the bond they had with each other. After Crane and Katrina escaped, Abbie had to stay behind so Katrina could leave. Henry then went with his parents to where War was supposed to rise. Katrina tried to cast the spell, but it didn't work as there was nothing under the earth any more. Revealing his true colors, Henry magically overpowered both his parents, and caused the trees to ensnare them, revealing that his powers greatly surpassed Katrina's. He then informed them who he really was: their son, Jeremy. He recounted the torment he had endured over the years, how he had prayed and begged for help before his faith ran out and his anger turned towards them, as their choices were responsible for what had occurred to him. He also revealed he was War, the second Horseman of the Apocalypse. Using his blood, he re-opened the ground to reveal his coffin. He told them about how he was imprisoned in the coffin for over 200 years. He then called Moloch his real father.

Jeremy captures Ichabod and Katrina in "Bad Blood"
Jeremy was then met by Abraham Van Brunt, who handed him the second seal of the Apocalypse. He then magically rendered his mother unconscious, and gave her to Abraham, as she was what the Horseman always wanted. He then imprisoned his father in the same coffin he had lingered in for two centuries, revealing the plan had always been to separate the two Witnesses, thus making it impossible for them to stop the Apocalypse. Jeremy then casually broke the second seal, stating that War had always been in Sleepy Hollow and now it could take physical form, before slamming the lid, imprisoning his father in the earth within the tomb he was buried in. [2]
Season Two[]
- "Now you'll know what it's like to lose faith. When it's gone, you have nothing. And when you have nothing, there's nothing holding you back to what you're capable of."
- —Henry to Ichabod
Henry returns as the secondary, and later, primary antagonist of the series' second season.
In order to know the whereabouts of the Gehenna Key which can unleash the lost souls from Purgatory, as well as Moloch, to Earth, Henry creates an illusion of a time, making the Witnesses believe it was one year later, with himself "in custody". Henry scans the files with his sin-eating powers, but announces there is nothing on the key in them. He then asks if Sheriff Corbin's files might have anything on the key. Crane and Abbie confer in the observation room next door, and Abbie says she remembers that Corbin had Jenny go to Philadelphia to get one of Benjamin Franklin's sketchbooks, but she doesn't know where it is.
An eerie feeling washes over Crane and he can't remember any details of the past year; neither can Abbie. They don't remember how they captured Henry. Meanwhile, Henry rises from his chair and easily breaks free of his chains, announcing that Moloch brought them to him for one final mission: to locate the key. Now he knows where it is: with Jenny. As the room falls apart around them, Henry announces that Abbie will remain in Purgatory while Crane will stay buried in the coffin where Henry left him.

Jeremy's Armor representing the Horseman of War.
Back in the real world, while Crane finds his way out of the coffin, Henry has Jenny brought to an empty warehouse by Hessians, and revives her with epinephrine. He brings up the sketchbook and tells her her lies are pointless since he can see through them with his sin-eating. He grabs her head and sees flashes of her and the sketchbook, then tells his lackey that Jenny's memory was in code and to keep her alive until he deciphers it. His plan fails, however, when Ichabod frees himself and then frees Jenny and Abbie. After Ichabod and Abbie escape from Purgatory, the doorway closes and Moloch remains trapped inside. The key is crumbles after use, lost forever.
A terrified Henry is taken to task by Moloch for his failure. Moloch opens up a doorway and a chain mail suit forged in fire walks through. Moloch reminds Henry that he's the Horseman of War and that he can use his soul to control the armor to secure Moloch's place on Earth. Henry manages to control the armored Horseman of War and presents it with a sword, which the warrior wields as it bursts into flames. He then swears to Moloch that he will find the way to bring the demon king back to Earth, and Moloch tells him not to fail him. The day after he was castigated by Moloch, Henry visits Abraham Van Brunt, who is holding Katrina captive. They plan a binding ritual, which involves mixing Katrina's blood with Abraham's blood during her beheading so that she can become Abraham's bride who is "the same as" the Headless Horseman "in every way." Ichabod sees this in a dream, so he and Abbie manage to locate Abraham's bolthole, confirming that Katrina is inside, they leave to search for the Kindred. Henry and Abraham, are aware that Crane and Abbie passed by, and set out a greater plan, but they are overheard by Katrina. Angry, Henry rushes back to Frederick's Manor, his birthplace. There, he summons his Horseman armor; in this form, Henry/War goes to Abraham's bolt where Death is confronting the Kindred and Abbie. Abbie shoots War, to no effect, and he rides towards Abbie. War is then confronted by the Kindred and Abbie escapes. Both Death and War pursue the Kindred, but it escapes. The Kindred vanishes without any trace.
Henry poses as an attorney and visits Cynthia Irving, telling her that he can solve her husband's legal troubles. While Frank is being held in Tarrytown Psychiatric by Sleepy Hollow's new sheriff, Lena Reyes, Henry visits Frank and has him sign a paper. When Frank holds Henry's pen, he is pricked by a sharp metal spur on the pen. Henry takes off the spur, and apologizes to Frank, falsely claiming that pen is old and damaged. Frank accepts his apology and signs the form in blood, unsuspecting, as his blood flows down to the nib.
Before leaving Tarrytown, Henry, as Irving's attorney, bans Crane and Abbie from visiting Frank. He then leaves for the bank, talking to bank teller, Lydia Galway, and exchanging his coins for cash. Lydia then takes one of the coins, and is exposed to the dark influence of a Tyrian Shekel which contains a curse that can make people betray their loyalties. The coin turns her from a loyal employee to a selfish thief. The coins were said to be the cursed payment to Judas Iscariot for his betrayal of Jesus, and had also effected Benedict Arnold.
After leaving the bank, and returning to Frederick's Manor, Henry finished a model replica of Sleepy Hollow. Meanwhile, a shop owner's son, who used to be kind and easy-going, turned twisted right after he picked up the Tyrian shekel. Police officers arrested him for killing his father in a bombing, yet he claims to be innocent and hires a lawyer. The lawyer is Henry Parish.
Henry manages to steal the shekel from evidence and replaces it with an ordinary quarter. Crane confronts him, saying they won't let him turn anyone else with the coin. Henry argues it doesn't turn anyone, just brings out what's already there. He promises more demonstrations before he leaves. Soon after, Henry finds Jenny and drops the accursed coin for her to find. Jenny then tries to find and kill Reyes, in order to avenge her mother, but is stopped and saved by Abbie. Ichabod and Hawley manage to contain the cursed coin within stained glass, and Hawley keeps it safe after deciding that he wants to locate the complete set of 30 coins.
After his plan failed, a frustrated Henry looks at the bedstead where he was born. He refuses to recall the memories for it makes him painful, and then he uses his powers to incinerate it. He watches it burn, apparently not feeling much of a connection to anything. Unbeknownst to Henry, Crane found a way to talk to Frank Irving and reveals Henry's true nature. Frank has a vision of himself as a damned soul as Sleepy Hollow burns and the Horseman of War rides. Fearing of becoming the puppet of evil, Frank tells Henry he will be fired. Henry says but then the payments to Irving's wife would stop, as would the insurance for his daughter, and Irving's own case would be delayed indefinitely. Henry tells Irving he just wants to help him, claiming War is an instrument of justice. Irving asks Henry what he's done to him and Henry cites a Bible verse: Ezekiel 18:4, "Behold all souls are mine." He remembers pricking his finger on Henry's pen when he signed his legal documents, and he realized that Henry took his soul.
Back into the Frederick's Manor, Henry orders a Hessian trooper to buy the Pied Piper's flute, now broken, from Hawley, and he grinds it to dust. He used the dust to curse Joe Corbin, making him into a Wendigo and forcing him to retrieve the poison known as Jincan. Henry then received a message from Abraham via a mirror. He told Henry that Katrina secretly used magic, even if they limited her power. Henry suggested that they should perform the Binding Ritual. Wanting to assure Katrina's safety, however, Abraham rejected the idea and disappeared. Henry then opened a book with Katrina's signature in it, and read her sin from it. He saw a flashback with a woman from Crane's past named Mary Wells, her speak with Crane, and then Mary's corpse on ground. Then, Henry summoned Mary's spirit to break the trust between his parents. Moloch was furious about Henry pursuing his own agenda, Moloch angrily dragged Henry to his lair and upbraided Henry. He wants Katrina alive as she is a "Hellfire Shard," a chosen vessel. Moloch dismissed Henry, calling him a mere soldier. The uncaring words made Henry break into tears. Moloch then pushes Henry back into Fredrick's Manor and leaving him crying like a child.
Later, in the Masonic chamber, Henry lies to Joe, saying he will lift his curse as soon as Joe gives up the Jincan. Henry, however, then cut Joe's arm and turned him back to his Wendigo form. After returning to Frederick's Manor, Henry poured the Jincan on a plate, and formed a spider which contained Moloch's soul. He then allowed it to possess his mother so that Moloch could be born on Earth. As Katrina's situation worsens, Henry led several Hellfire doctors and Hessians to Abraham's bolt in an attempt to take Katrina away, saying it was Moloch's order. Enraged, Abraham attacked the Hessians, killing one of them. Henry then opened the window and let in the sunlight, weakened Abraham. In the chaos, Katrina managed to escaped.
The Hellfire Club then went to search for Katrina, while Henry was called by Frank who was working as an agent for Crane who wanted to speak to Henry alone. Henry showed no remorse in choosing Moloch as his master and he revealed to a shocked Ichabod that he had planted Moloch in Katrina himself so that Katrina will be the instrument of Moloch's return. As Henry was about to leave, Crane grabbed his hand and unwittingly saw his past - a child lost and crying for help, alone in a forest. When Crane was shocked by the realization he had seen the real Jeremy, the boy Henry buried long ago. Henry immediately pulled away without saying a word.

Henry's model of Sleepy Hollow
After Katrina was saved, Henry managed to transport Moloch's energy into a jar, then summoned a succubus, who attacked and killed a man before transported the soul she collected into the jar with Moloch's energy. Henry demanded more for his master, and the succubus wasted no time killing more people. Then, she attacked Hawley and later Ichabod, but they survived when Katrina and Abbie managed to locate the heart of succubus and destroy it, allowing Hawley and Crane to kill it. Meanwhile, Henry and Abraham had collected enough energy to make Moloch take form as a demonic infant. When Katrina went back into Frederick's Manor, Henry greeted his mother and showed her the infant Moloch.
In Magnum Opus Henry commands Abraham to search for the Sword of Methuselah; he suggested he shouldn't waste anytime with the darkness. Later, he traps Katrina after reading her sins, while Moloch in a human form gets his own meal. Finally, Moloch morphs into his true form as he and Abraham watch.

Jeremy kills Moloch with the Sword of Methuselah
While Moloch starts his campaign, Henry waits alongside at the Four White Trees. Each one was being burned down, as he commands Henry to retrieve the sword. War is then engaged and impaled by Frank during a fight, injuring Henry's left arm. As the avatar dissipated, Frank dies, and Henry reverts to being a mere mortal. He then meets Ichabod, Abbie, Jenny and Katrina at St. Henry's Parish. Henry then ambushed the team as they were wrapped in tree roots. With the sword in hand, he escorts them to his master. Held captive, they listen as Henry describes the story of the Akeda: a tragic tale in which God commands Abraham to kill his son, Isaac. This fueled his hatred for his parents, and he aimed the blade to Katrina. Ichabod begged for her life offering his, and Henry hesitated. He reiterated the myth that a father kills a son, but the father should pay the price for his sins. Thus, he turns to Moloch and stabs him instead, causing his demise and have Jeremy disappears afterwards.

Jeremy and Katrina
In Spellcaster, Katrina has a dream of Henry alive and well, saying he wants to start a new life together. Near the season finale, Katrina accepts the offer as Henry says he wants to make a coven and restore their place in the world. Influenced by the dark magic from the Great Grimoire, she carries on his offer. They're later seen as Ichabod and Abbie close in on them, while Jenny deals with the soul-tarnished Frank. Katrina shows up at will and wants no part with Ichabod and Abbie, describing humans as "weak." The Witnesses evaded their lethal attacks and were trapped. They met them at the cellar while Henry and Katrina were in the middle of an incantation that is big enough to transform innocent people that relate to ancestral witches. The Witnesses were tied to a beam and they used Abbie's pocketknife to free themselves. Since Henry no longer has the Mantle of War, he died after he was shot by Abbie. His last requests were to have his mother continue their work and call him Jeremy. After sharing last words with Crane, Jeremy sadly said "Father?" before he disintegrates into dust. Lastly, we see him as a spirit after Katrina was accidentally killed by Crane. He offers her a hand and he wants her to meet him in the afterlife.
Season Four[]

Jeremy as magistrate during his father's torment
Henry appears as an illusion in his father's mind as a form of guilt from the Sicarus Spei. When Crane asks who is running the trial Henry walked into the court room wearing a white powdered wig. Henry tells him he is on trial for the murder of Abbie Mills. Crane tells Henry, "I have suffered great loss in my life, but is that not the plight of a soldier? For that is what I am; a soldier, engaged in the most vital of wars. So, too, was the Lieutenant. She was my partner; she was my friend. She knew all too well the risks of engaging in battle, and I would die a thousand deaths if it meant she would live but one more hour. But in the end she made a choice."
Henry then pulls up the box that he was buried in and shows Crane a vision where all his current team members are dead, "So, you have moved on already. Less than two months and you have a new partner. The person that you cared about with all your heart not cold in the grave before you left Sleepy Hollow." Crane counters with, "I will always regret what happened to you, Henry, but if you are a demon, you chose the wrong face, for I cherish the opportunity to speak once more with my son. To tell him that, in spite of everything between us, I always loved him. I never gave up hope for him. Every battle I joined, I did for those I love and seek to protect. Especially you, Henry, my boy," and Henry seems actually to be effected.
At the end of the trial, Henry says goodbye to Crane and fades away. After Crane is freed, and the Despair Creature is killed, Alex collected some of the webbing from the Despair Creature. It would later absorb a sample of Crane's blood and become a tangible version of Henry. [5]
Second Resurrection[]
Crane sacrificed himself to prevent Diana from being forced to assume the mantle of War. A version of Henry, linked to a despair demon that had tormented Crane, however, reproduced the version of Henry that had been used in Crane's torment, and he was instrumental in breaking his father out of the armor of War, and re-assuming the mantle himself.
After the webbing consumed Crane's blood from Delilah's Dagger, Henry was revived. Once the others returned to The Vault, he claimed that he wanted to help separate Crane from the Avatar of War which was the only reason why Ichabod's blood was able to resurrect him. Henry told them of a spell that can be used to separate Ichabod's mind from the Horseman of War's. This spell could be found in Katrina's journal. After Crane was freed from War, Henry escaped the Masonic Cell and presented himself to Malcolm Dreyfuss and Jobe, seeking to reclaim his "rightful" mantle as the Horseman of War. [6]
He was next seen in a vision wearing a Redcoat uniform along with Malcolm, while Crane and Jenny donned Continental uniforms. They duel, and he first shoots Crane. Then Crane shoots him as he goes down. While he is lying on the ground, the vision ends and it's revealed that Henry has Horseman of War again. He is later seen and Henry and the avatar are now one entity. He meets his father and Diana, and Crane talks to him, as he was able to see his son beneath the armor. He points out that Dreyfuss is very similar to Moloch, playing his master, not his equal. Henry had a sudden distaste about it. Crane realizes they both desire freedom above anything else. Afterward, he said, "My sole purpose is destruction and conflict, I thrive on it, live for it.... I can never forgive you, Father, never let the coal that burns die down. But freedom, freedom is a cause that I would sacrifice all for, so, for now, for today, even in war, there can be a truce." [7]
- "I relish any opportunity to cause my parents pain."
- —Henry

Katrina holding baby Jeremy in Frederick's Manor
Jeremy preferred solitude and despised others, most of; who saw him as a monster, some punishing him for his powers. He seethed in anger, and rage and had denied his true parents in favor of a demon; who would; allow him to indulge in revenge and turmoil. When Moloch had offered him a place of power and had released him from his tomb, Jeremy was more than willing to accept Moloch as his "true father", reasoning that; Ichabod and Katrina's absences from his life were a betrayal that; had caused his suffering. He was deeply resentful of both of his parents, Ichabod Crane and Katrina Van Tassel.
After Jeremy had lost his armor in a battle and being sent to his doom by Moloch, he also came to see that; the demon king was cruel and uncaring, another betrayer, feeling hurt; when Moloch had stated that; there had been horsemen; before Jeremy and there would be horsemen after him. Jeremy had finally turned against Moloch, apparently seeing something more in Ichabod and Katrina than there was evident in Moloch. After many months of isolation, Jeremy has realized that; he wants to create his own coven of witches; with his mother, Katrina; by his side. But his attempts had failed and he was killed; by Abbie Mills. As he had died, he had asked Katrina to call him Jeremy and; even tolerating his father, Ichabod's compassion as Ichabod had hold his dying son.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Witchcraft: Even for an untrained warlock; Jeremy is unusually powerful; for example, his magic awoken; when he was a just a baby at the time; when he became a teenager or a young adult, he became so powerful; to the point that; all members of the Sisterhood of the Radiant Heart were no match for him, the magic in Jeremy's blood is also so powerful; to the point that; he was; even immune to the death hex, he is; even more powerful then the former leader of the sisterhood; who also happens to be his mother, Katrina Crane.
- Pyrokinesis: As a baby, Jeremy's crying would cause fires to erupt.[8] Also as an adult, he was able to set a bed frame on fire just; by lifting his hand.
- Golem creation: Katrina had; made the doll to protect Jeremy all he had to do was give it a drop of his own blood and then the golem would come to life.[8]
- Sin eating: Due to being a sin eater; Jeremy is capable of sensing the pain and sins of objects or other individuals, and of digesting their sins to sanctify them, with the power being more potent; when in physical contact; with the sinners. Jeremy claims that; he loses his identity the more often he uses this power; due to having to take on the identities of the sinned individuals for the sinners. One of the sins he can detect is as small as a simple lie to someone.[3]
- Telekinesis: Jeremy can telekinetically move objects or other individuals; without physically touching them.[2]
- Teleportation: Jeremy can teleport from one place to another; for example, he had appeared in front of Katrina; even though he was in another room a second prior.[9]
- Spell casting: Jeremy is capable of casting powerful spells. He placed a curse on Joseph Corbin that; had turned him; into a Wendigo. He had revived Mary Wells' spirit at the Weeping Lady. He later on cast a spell that impregnated Katrina with Moloch with Jincan Venom, allowing him to enter the mortal world. He managed to summon a Succubus so that she could help him make Moloch stronger. He also used an ancient spell that awakened the hidden magical powers of those who have witch blood in them, albeit temporarily.
- Sleep Inducement: Jeremy was capable of putting Katrina Crane to sleep by merely squinting his eyes.[2]
- Astral projection: Jeremy has the ability to reach across dimensions into Purgatory to allow the dead to speak to the living and to send the living's conscious into Purgatory. It can only work if the living person's will is strong enough to have the person they wish to speak to appear before them and it is easier to enter Purgatory if the willing person is closer to death.
- Illusion: Jeremy was able to trap Ichabod and Abbie in an illusion that he twisted to his will.[10]
- Spell immunity: According to the Four Who Speak As One; Jeremy was immune to their spells.
- Horseman physiology: As a Horseman of the Apocalypse, specifically War, Jeremy's physiology is more enhanced than a human's.
- Immortality: Due to being the Horseman of War; Jeremy is immortal; for example, he cannot be killed by natural means or most other supernatural means.
- Enhanced durability: Due to being the Horseman of War; Jeremy is extremely durable; but this power may only be active; when Jeremy is wearing his armour.
- Sword of Fire: Due to being the Horseman of War; Jeremy is able to ignite his armor sword at will to possibly cauterize wounds and destroy obstacles.
Former Powers[]
- Armor animation: Jeremy was granted a suit of armor; by Moloch that; he can animate at will for combat purposes. May only be an extension of his telekinesis. This ability seems to require absolute focus, as Jeremy is seen sitting perfectly still as he manipulated the armor against the Kindred. After losing the armor in The Akeda against Frank Irving, he could no longer animate it with his soul; in addition, should the armor become damaged, Jeremy would suffer injury; such as feeling pain in his arm. After becoming the Horseman of War once again, he no longer needed the ability to animate his armour as he himself inhabited it.
Katrina Crane[]

Katrina Crane, Jeremy's mother.
Katrina was Jeremy's mother.
Shortly after giving birth, Katrina gave up her son to protect him from the wrath of her former coven. She gave her son to Grace and Joseph Dixon. When he discovered that the Sisterhood was responsible for trapping his mother in Purgatory, Jeremy grew to resent the Sisterhood and refused to join them; but after he they had trapped him in a box for 200 years, he grew to resent his mother as well; since he saw Katrina's absence as a form of betrayal as was Ichabod's, although his father was completely unaware of his existence at the time. Jeremy had asked him once, though; if his decisions would have been any different had he known.
Eventually, after many months of isolation, Jeremy had realized that; he wants to create his own coven of witches; with his mother, Katrina; by his side. Although he was manipulating Katrina to help him create a coven of witches, he genuinely wanted to have a relationship; with his mother; but after he was shot; by Abbie, he had wanted Katrina to call him Jeremy. When Katrina was dying soon after, his spirit had appeared; before Katrina and offers his dying mother his hand.
Ichabod Crane[]

Ichabod Crane, Jeremy's father.
Ichabod is Jeremy's father.
Even though Ichabod is Jeremy's father, he never had the chance to meet him. Crane fell in battle with the Shadow Warrior and was then in stasis for 232 years, never having known his wife was pregnant. Crane's ignorance, however, meant nothing to Henry who resented the absent father, whose decisions he blamed for his eventual abandonment. No matter how many times Crane proves himself, his hatred for Ichabod burned brightly, and he called Moloch his real father. But he would always show emotional conflict; when Crane tries to reach him, suggesting he does feel conflict about his relationship; with Ichabod.
When Jeremy dies the first time, he was willing to tolerate Ichabod in his presence and for the first time, asks him not to be sorry as he was dying. But they last met as Jeremy was merged; with War and has some hesitation in killing Ichabod; when he had pleaded; with his son and despite initially asking his father to say his last words, and then; make peace; with his death, Ichabod had managed to convince Jeremy; by saying that; Moloch and Dreyfuss are the same, controlling and never caring for him.

Moloch, the Demon King, Jeremy's master as the Horseman of War
Once called as Henry's father, the Demon King was a merciless master, always severely chastising his failures, and treating him as nothing more than a pawn. Henry was willing to take the War mantle; because of his grudge against the world and his parents. Jeremy turned on him using the Sword of Methuselah, reiterating the Akeda, he had used it to put an end to Moloch.
Malcolm Dreyfuss[]

Malcolm Dreyfuss, Jeremy's second master.
After Henry met Dreyfuss and Jobe, he was willing to regain the mantle of War. Dreyfuss was at first delighted Henry was willing to join his side, but when Henry was convinced; by Ichabod that he was only a puppet to Malcolm's schemes. He had turned on Dreyfuss and walked away, forming a truce; with his father.
- The name "Jeremy" is the Medieval English form of Jeremiah, and the form used in some English versions of the New Testament. Jeremiah is from the Hebrew name יִרְמְיָהוּ (Yirmiyahu) which meant "YAHWEH has uplifted". This is the name of one of the major prophets of the Old Testament, the author of the Book of Jeremiah and the Book of Lamentations (supposedly). He lived to see the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in the 6th century BC. In England, though the vernacular form Jeremy had been occasionally used since the 13th century, the form Jeremiah was not common until after the Protestant Reformation.[11]
- Jeremy's self-given name, "Henry" is from the Germanic name Heimirich which meant "home ruler," composed of the elements heim "home" and ric "power, ruler". It was later commonly spelled Heinrich, with the spelling altered due to the influence of other Germanic names like Haganrich, in which the first element is hagan "enclosure". Heinrich was popular among continental royalty, being the name of seven German kings, starting with the 10th-century Henry I the Fowler, and four French kings. In France it was rendered Henri from the Latin form Henricus. The Normans introduced the French form to England, and it was subsequently used by eight kings. During the Middle Ages it was generally rendered as Harry or Herry in English pronunciation. [12]
Season One | |||||||||||||||||||
"Pilot" | "Blood Moon" | "For the Triumph of Evil..." | "The Lesser Key of Solomon" | "John Doe" | |||||||||||||||
"The Sin Eater" | "The Midnight Ride" | "Necromancer" | "Sanctuary" | "The Golem" | |||||||||||||||
"The Vessel" | "The Indispensable Man" | "Bad Blood" |
Season Two | |||||||||||||||||||
"This Is War" | "The Kindred" | "Root of All Evil" | "Go Where I Send Thee..." | "The Weeping Lady" | |||||||||||||||
"And the Abyss Gazes Back" | "Deliverance" | "Heartless" | "Mama" | "Magnum Opus" | |||||||||||||||
"The Akeda" | "Paradise Lost" | "Pittura Infamante" | "Kali Yuga" | "Spellcaster" | |||||||||||||||
"What Lies Beneath" | "Awakening" | "Tempus Fugit" |
Season Four | |||||||||||||||||||
"Columbia" | "In Plain Sight" | "Heads of State" | "The People vs. Ichabod Crane" | "Blood from a Stone" | |||||||||||||||
"Homecoming" | "Loco Parentis" | "Sick Burn" | "Child's Play" | "Insatiable" | |||||||||||||||
"The Way of the Gun" | "Tomorrow" | "Freedom" |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "The Golem (Episode)"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 "Bad Blood"
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 "The Sin Eater"
- ↑ "The Indispensable Man"
- ↑ "The People vs. Ichabod Crane"
- ↑ "Tomorrow"
- ↑ "Freedom"
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 "The Golem (episode)"
- ↑ "The Kindred (episode)"
- ↑ "This Is War"
- ↑ http://www.behindthename.com/name/jeremy
- ↑ http://www.behindthename.com/name/henry