SleepyHollow Wiki
SleepyHollow Wiki
This article is about the character, the Kindred.
For his bride, see the Kindress.
For the Season Two episode, see "The Kindred".

—The Kindred to the Kindress[src]

The Kindred was a supernatural creature created from the body parts of dead soldiers; but the key ingredient was the head of the Horseman. He was believed to rival the Horseman of Death in "terms of power and physical strength" respectively, and to be a harbinger of the demise of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.



The Kindred is composed of body parts from the bodies of dead Revolutionary War soldiers sewn together by Benjamin Franklin. The Sisterhood of the Radiant Heart prepared a ritual that would bring the creature to life, however, it required a piece of Death to become its rival. At the end of the Revolutionary War, Franklin buried the Kindred's body in the Old Munition Tunnels underneath Sleepy Hollow, which were created by the Freemasons the body was placed in a hidden coffin. The coffin was protected by an electrical trap that, when touched, would electrocute the victim. After activating the trap, the coffin would slide down from a hidden shelf.[1]

After researching the location of the Kindred, Crane and Abbie found it and decided to use it as their weapon against the Horsemen. By reciting an incantation and using the Horseman's head, they brought the patchwork creature to life, just in time to combat Death and War in order to provide a distraction in an attempt to rescue Katrina from the enemy camp. Katrina, however, elected to remain with the Horsemen as a mole in order to discover more about their enemy Moloch. Crane and Abbie retreated, and the Kindred disappeared on a horse, leaving Death and War unable to follow.[1]

Return to Sleepy Hollow[]

The Kindred returns to Sleepy Hollow, having been summoned by Pandora and the Hidden One. It could also be summoned by a glass harmonica playing a specific melody. The Witnesses soon find out it was gradually becoming more human, showing human characteristics, such as intellect, emotion, and even speech. It begins killing couples out of envy, however, as the Kindred has never experienced love.

Its first victims were a couple making out in a car. While the man started to assault the woman, the Kindred pulled him out of his car and murdered him using its Halberd Blade. Although his woman initially thought the Kindred saved her, it soon killed her, too. Later it attacked a couple heading to a mansion house,and it was shot at by Sophia Foster, although this had little to no effect on the creature, which subsequently rode off unharmed.

While the Witnesses attempted to capture the Kindred in the Masonic Cell, it escaped into the Archives. While Zoe Corinth was discussing her deteriorating relationship with Crane, the Kindred swooped in to kidnap Zoe. Although Crane tried to fight back, the Kindred quickly overpowered him, and took Zoe to the same Carriage House where Abraham had held Katrina.

It was quickly tracked down by Jenny, Joe, and Sophia, who freed Zoe, burned the house, and attempted to kill the Kindred by trapping itwithin. After the Kindress was discovered and used by the Witnesses to lure out the Kindred, it quickly gave up its assault on Joe and Jenny and left, presumably in love with the Kindress, who reciprocated his affections.

This angered the Hidden One, as the Kindred was ignoring his summons in favor of his new love. The Hidden One then uses his powers to blow up both creatures as punishment for the Kindred abandoning his post and choosing love instead.[2]

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Enhanced strength: The Kindred possesses enhanced strength; which he uses; when he fights against the Horseman of Death.[3]
  • Enhanced durability: The Kindred is technically undead, as he is extremely durable.[3]


  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant: As the Kindred was born from the bodies of fallen soldiers and Death's skull, he has nearly unstoppable in both armed and unarmed combat. The Kindred is so powerful; to the point that; he was able to hold his own against both the Horsemen of Death and War simultaneously. The Kindred was also nearly able to finish off Death; but left him to save Abbie Mills. He uses a halberd; with deadly efficiency, using the very length of the weapon to keep his enemies at a distance. If his weapon is knocked away, he is also a fierce hand-to-hand combatant, displaying his combat prowess; when Death had knocked away his halberd, and he had remained fighting and was; even able to turn the tide of the battle in his favor.


  • Halberd: The Kindred was buried; with a halberd; which is the combination of both a spear and a battle axe. The Kindred was seen utilizing the halberd well in combat against both the Headless Horseman and the Horseman of War simultaneously.


Character Notes[]

  • The Kindred spoke for the first time, threatening Ichabod Crane in "Kindred Spirits";
    • Kindred; Mine, you follow, she dies!.
  • After the Kindred was destroyed by the Hidden One, the Skull of Death had remained in one piece.
  • In "Tempus Fugit", an earlier, incomplete version of the Kindred is seen in Benjamin Franklin's home and Abbie Mills mentions to him that; she has seen it in the future and that; it works.
  • When raising the Kindred, the incantation Ichabod had recited was drawn from the HP Lovecraft short-story "The Nameless City"; with an additional line tying it to the Kindred;
    • "That is not dead can eternal lie and; with strange eons; even Death may die, and; with the words of the old ones, i summon thee, soul of my kith, body of my Kindred!".
  • The Kindred whispered "love"; when he met the Kindress.


Season Two
"This Is War" "The Kindred" "Root of All Evil" "Go Where I Send Thee..." "The Weeping Lady"
"And the Abyss Gazes Back" "Deliverance" "Heartless" "Mama" "Magnum Opus"
"The Akeda" "Paradise Lost" "Pittura Infamante" "Kali Yuga" "Spellcaster"
"What Lies Beneath" "Awakening" "Tempus Fugit"
Season Three
"I, Witness" "Whispers in the Dark" "Blood and Fear" "The Sisters Mills" "Dead Men Tell No Tales"
"This Red Lady from Caribee" "The Art of War" "Novus Ordo Seclorum" "One Life" "Incident At Stone Manor"
"Kindred Spirits" "Sins of the Father" "Dark Mirror" "Into the Wild" "Incommunicado"
"Dawn's Early Light" "Delaware" "Ragnarok"


Behind the scenes[]

