SleepyHollow Wiki

"Eyes open, head up, trust no one."
—Lori Mills[src]

Lori Mills,[1] née Roberts, was the former wife of Ezra Mills, mother of Abigail and Jennifer Mills. She was the daughter of Jacob Roberts and Ellie Williams. Her great-great grandmother was Grace Dixon.


Early Life[]

As a descendant of Grace Dixon,[2] she had inherited her diary, which contained a record of all the magic that Grace Dixon had both witnessed personally and heard about, and added to by her descendants all the way down the line to Lori. She was aware that her daughter would be the next Witness. During her daughters' childhoods, Lori was tormented by demons, making her appear to be dangerously unstable; while Abbie Mills was at school one day, Lori took Jenny in the garage. Lori had left the engine on and was planning on killing the both of them. Once she realized what she was doing, though a Demon did everything in its power to keep the car running and the two inside of the car, Lori reversed the car through the garage door to save her and her daughter.

Ultimately, she was placed in psychiatric care at Tarrytown Psychiatric Hospital. Her torment did not end, and a demon posing as a nurse drove her to commit suicide.[1] She told her daughters, "After they locked me up, Moloch sent her to finish me off, I've been trapped in this place ever since. I watched over you Jenny, while you were here. I did everything I could to protect you both."


Her spirit remained trapped there until her daughters investigated a number of suicides in the same mental hospital. The same demon , Gina Lambert, was behind them, and it tried to kill Abigail. Lori had Jenny retrieve her journal from storage, which contained spells she could use to banish the demon. Jenny used it to successfully drive it away.

With another spell, the sisters call up their mother's spirit and Lori reveales she knew Abigail was a Witness, she has watched over them and fought for them. She tells Abbie, "the journal, it keeps the secrets. There's a weapon hidden in its pages. You find it, you were meant to go further than any of us, you were meant to win this war." She tells them they have freed her, they say goodbye and watch as her spirit passes on.[1]


  • Ghost physiology: When Lori died, she became a ghost, haunting Tarrytown Psychiatric Hospital.
    • Teleportation: While a ghost, Lori was able to teleport all over the hospital. She was even able to take Abbie Mills with her when she transported her to the abandoned wing of the hospital.
    • Cryokinesis: After teleporting Abbie to the abandoned wing, Lori froze a plane of glass on the door where she was then able to mark the name of a patient videotape.
    • Invisibility: As a ghost, she is invisible to the naked eye. Occasionally, she can either get focus or angry enough to become corporeal or even enough for a camera to pick up her spirit.


Production Notes[]

  • In "Pilot", Lori was identified as "Elizabeth M Archer" according to a newspaper clipping collected by August Corbin.[3]


Season Two
"This Is War" "The Kindred" "Root of All Evil" "Go Where I Send Thee..." "The Weeping Lady"
"And the Abyss Gazes Back" "Deliverance" "Heartless" "Mama" "Magnum Opus"
"The Akeda" "Paradise Lost" "Pittura Infamante" "Kali Yuga" "Spellcaster"
"What Lies Beneath" "Awakening" "Tempus Fugit"

