SleepyHollow Wiki

Changes to the traditional depiction of the Horseman[]

"And there before me stood a white horse, and it's rider held a bow, and his name was Death." Ichabod said this when read from the bible buried with him.

The writers are clearly taking liberties with The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because Conquest/Pestilence is normally the Rider of the White Horse holding the bow.

I am going to edit Death to show the correct information and remove all other information from the other Horsemen because that information is either wrong (in Conquest's case) or we do not know the information for the rest.

I am also changing it to have Death first since he was the first seen. As they are revealed they should be ordered by appearance in my opinion. --Revan's Exile (talk) 02:34, September 24, 2013 (UTC)

Accuracy should have been used and would not have required a major change to the storyline.

Syalantillesfel (talk) 02:46, September 24, 2013 (UTC)

It's called [Artistic License]. They are not beholden to the Book of Revelations. If you want accuracy then the show is not for you, because no where in the history has Death ever been depicted as being headless much less the Headless Horseman. --Revan's Exile (talk) 02:57, September 24, 2013 (UTC)

I wrote a blog post on this subject that touches on this topic of the Headless Horseman being Death or Conquest/Pestilence you can read it here on this wiki. Mr. NSK (talk) 06:38, October 14, 2013 (UTC)