SleepyHollow Wiki
SleepyHollow Wiki

I really can not get this what i about to say off of my mind and i found this blog just to let it out, so here it goes.........

I have only just discovered the series on Disney + and i am currently on season 3, which is becoming extremely interesting on the edge of your seat stuff! And although i cant express my love for the series enough i also have a few faults to pick as well, but i suppose i would not be human if i did not have small faults to pick on. The fault in question is the accuracy of the historic information in the series in relation to how the revolutionary war was fought, how it ended and what the declaration was really about. I'm not stupid and i know that most of the stuff is made up, especially the paranormal side of it and how the famous names were associated with the paranormal, but when it comes to facts about the real war its slightly off, but i don't know whether that's due to the writer being bias for America??

Myself as a true patriotic Englishmen cant help but find some parts offensive to my nation, but then again i don't know whether I'm to blame for some of my criticism because of the simple fact that i cant stand the thought that these British colonials truly hated their country that much to turn on us and try to show us up, although that would have been difficult to do at the time considering we fought to control a quarter of the world at the time and the reason for the war ending in the first place was due to the help that the colonials received from our European counterparts, which Admiral Nelson saw to revenge 70 years later.

Please don't get me wrong, i absolutely love the series, especially the paranormal factor of it all and i am going to continue watching right through to the end and i truly congratulate the producers/ directors on how excellently the series was produced, but i just want everyone to know how disappointed i am in the fact that some of the content makes my country seem bad but at the same time weak , when in reality we all know if we did or history that the British empire was the largest and most powerful in History, even more so than the roman empire, but yet our pride still gets swooped away from us.