The new changes'll be coming soon, and I'll hate it!
I hate the new formats on the Wikis!! They're even worse than the upgrades we had here in DA Eclipse!! It's a lot more difficult to navigate, the text doesn't comprehend to the vids/pics, and they removed the Following tab in the Profile pages. On mine, I can't manage them, and I can only edit my Favorites manually; like if I were to go to the classic editor to fix typos for instance, there's the option to uncheck that said Page. But, that's it! There's no way to edit which Pages, Blogs, or Categories you are watching!! I even made a negative comment on the "blog post" Fandom just made on what the overhaul has to offer! They also removed some special info about me like when my b-day is, and the other wikis I contributed to! Seriously, they…
Creating Couple Categories to the LOTM wiki
Alright, my rival, FFD has added a Couple Category for Fox and Misty, a couple introduced in the Ultimate Story series. So, I decided to add more o my own Couple Categories there. Here they are:
And of course my personal favorite, https://legendsofthemultiunivers…
If my fics were made into books
My bitter rival, Fanfictiondreamer, has always considered her works to be books even though they're digital, whether it'd be those Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles, or The Ultimate Story, or even Ultimate Story 2: Dinosaur Planet. I figured it'd be difficult for my works since they're always different, whether they're oneshots, short stories, novels, novellas, etc. They always varied, but I had a sudden visualization. If my works were to be bothered to be printed out, here's how they should be done.
Yes, they should have the same coverarts, or maybe have the publishers' ideas go thru me if they don't have one. And most of all, have them be developed into paperbacks, but the length will be various. From what I see, they'll mostly be like …
I am TheIkranRider
TheIkranRider is an online adult that soars thru the skies of fantasy and cyberspace. She has chosen the Pokémon, Riolu, since its cute, loyal, though a wild companion, much like her own mind and imagination. Like Fanfictiondreamer, she too lives with Autism, but also has other mental defects, while still having a rich fantasy life. She came up with that name for herself as she loves one of Pandora's creatures, the Mountain Banshees, also known as Ikrans. While the number 77 in her DA name may represent double luck.
She does immerse herself into fantasy, science fiction, and thrillers, though her fandoms and interests are sometimes in a constant flux, or she'd be stuck with them for awhile showing how rare, nostalgic and valuable they are. …
Defending Lara Thomas
Ok complainers, this has gone on long enough! I'm sick of those obnoxious people that keep bashing Sleepy Hollow's Season 4's new protagonist, Lara, aka Molly's future vessel. For those of you who don't know, she was born from an alternate, dystopian future that was forever ruled by an immortal tyrant, Malcolm Dreyfuss, and his demon associate, Jobe. She traveled back in time, using a Season 2 mechanic, by using the Grand Grimoire. Thanks to Ichabod she can prevent all the devastation Dreyfuss created, as well as saving her mom, Diana, from being the Horseman of War. Needless to say, thanks to her, she was able to change the world for a more brighter, prosperous future. Though she had to leave and explore it during the end of the finale, F…