I feel that Fox may check this wiki to see if there are enough people who would watch Season Three of Sleepy Hollow to see if it may deserve a Season Three or not. So I created this blog so people could air out their views on a season three. I personally want to see a Season Three but only if they develop a plot faster than the second season but don't underdevelop the main plot like how they didn't have the two other horsemen appear. I really want Sleepy Hollow to return more back to its roots focusing on the biblical aspects in terms of main plot again because Moloch was just a lieutenant of Satan and theres always Lucifer or Death himself to be the new main bad. Also, MORE KINDRED and I would love another battle between him and Death. Let me know what you think of what you think would make a third season great and your views on whether Tempus Fugit provided a good enough ending.