SleepyHollow Wiki

"We have a 400-year-old Dutch monster on the loose, but no way to warn anyone or call for help."
Abbie Mills[src]

The Verslinder is a vampiric, parasitic creature that was once a human being, but mutated after being infected with a supernatural disease.


Season Three[]

The creature had been trapped in an abandoned well by the Dutch settlers about 400 years previously and a warning; " who devours," inscribed there.

Once it escapes and attacks the FBI agent's guide, Robbie. Abbie and Sophie knocked it back twice and discovered that it can regenerate, which they thought might mean it could be impossible to kill. It did explain why it was sealed up in a well, however, the Dutch settlers had no other way to get rid of the thing.

The agents discovered the Journal of Christopher Dampier, an an English trapper from about 1650. "He describes coming with his brother to a village not far from here. 'Thomas and I arrived at Rondout, a Dutch trading post on the banks of the Hudson. The villagers have recently endured a terrible calamity, an attack by a devilish creature. A creature they call the Verslinder. The beast felled nearly two score before the Dutch were able to capture it. The townsfolk paid us handsomely to dispose of the monstrosity. Our plan was to toss the creature into the bowels of the earth. After the accident, we managed to complete the mission and seal up the beast. But on the return trip, Thomas deteriorated quickly. And despite my utmost ministrations, my brother expired. Then a most disturbing event occurred. Like a twisted, demonic Lazarus, Thomas rose again.'"

With that information and the inscription , "There is no end" the agents realize that wasn't about the monster, it was about the victims. Abbie explains that traditionally in such a monstrous infection, typically, the way to cure the victim is to kill the original vector; eliminate the source of infection.

She and Sophie, joined by Crane at the last minute, manage to ambush and destroy the Verslinder.


Season Three
"I, Witness" "Whispers in the Dark" "Blood and Fear" "The Sisters Mills" "Dead Men Tell No Tales"
"This Red Lady from Caribee" "The Art of War" "Novus Ordo Seclorum" "One Life" "Incident At Stone Manor"
"Kindred Spirits" "Sins of the Father" "Dark Mirror" "Into the Wild" "Incommunicado"
"Dawn's Early Light" "Delaware" "Ragnarok"

